At the time I received my initial shadowban, I had several legitimate programmes (Discord, Spotify, GeForce Experience and Logitech GHUB) running in the background. It can be seen by my very average K/D ratio (about 1.13 or something along those lines) that there are no such hacks or cheats being used. On record, I have a little over 1,000 hours on this game and have sunk quite a significant amount of money into it, so it would not make any sense for me to even consider hacking/cheating. I have attempted to appeal the ban but, like many other players who have also been falsely banned, I have received an automated response from a bot rather than a human because it is clear they have zero interest in hearing innocent players that have been unjustly punished.

On the 28th of this month I received false bans on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II as well as Call of Duty: Warzone.