Convert 2018 solidworks file to 2017
Convert 2018 solidworks file to 2017

convert 2018 solidworks file to 2017

On some models (fast rotations at low frame rates, for instance) this can lead to choppy results.

convert 2018 solidworks file to 2017

Interpolate exported animations: By default, animation frames are interpolated in KeyShot.Separate materials: This option will isolate linked materials to each part by prefixing the part name to each material name.KeyShot will not launch.Ĭlick the KeyShot Export Settings button to change the export settings for sending and exporting models. BIP file that you can share with other KeyShot users. This will import your 3D data or update any changes on your model.Ĭlick the Export to KeyShot file button to export your geometry as a. The 3D data will be transferred from SOLIDWORKS to KeyShot.Ĭlick the Update KeyShot button to import/update to an open KeyShot Scene. Once installed, a KeyShot menu will appear on top of the SOLIDWORKS CommandManager when a part or assembly is opened. (If the KeyShot toolbar does not appear, right-click in the toolbar area and select KeyShot or go to Tools > Customize… > Toolbars and check KeyShot.)Ĭlick the Send to KeyShot button to launch KeyShot. After downloading, double-click the installer (.exe) file.Plugins for previous versions of KeyShot are available here. The KeyShot SOLIDWORKS add-in requirements are as follows:

Convert 2018 solidworks file to 2017