No matter what kind of mass export you wish to do in Fl Studio, it is ultimately handled by the Export Project Dialog box (Cmd/Ctrl+R).

Browse Patterns by rolling the centre mouse wheel over the Pattern Selector, bottom right of the numerical Song Position indicator, or click on the adjacent left Pattern options to view the menu. The Step Sequencer and the Piano Roll (F7) are where Patterns (note patterns) get created. The green lit rectangle left of FL Studio’s famous Step Sequencer indicates which Channel is currently selected. All Channels default routing is to the Master Mixer Track, represented by dashes. A Channel’s routing is shown in the Target Mixer Track box next to the Channel Volume dial. When audio, note or automation data is brought into a Project it shows up as a Channel in the Channel Rack (F3). The Hint Panel in the top left-hand corner underneath the main menu should be helpful in operating FL Studio, generally, as well as in relation to terms described in this article.įL Studio has a very flexible workflow. It can be a little bewildering to get your head around FL Studio at first. If you press F10 and select the Project tab, you can set the saving location for the project under the Data Folder. Before we export anything anywhere, we need to first be mindful of where FL Studio is saving user data.