Each feature a different model design and reticle. If you achieve 5000 kills on a sniper rifle you will 'master' it, unlocking the rest of the default sniper scopes.(WIP) Need to somehow disconnect scope sway projection from physical model animations so that the scope will stay on screen.Reduces weapon fire rate and still creates radar pings when firing, but hides muzzle flash, reduces recoil, and slightly reduces sound volume Boosts weapon fire rate, but increases recoil and decreases suppression.Added option to disable loading lobby gun models in menu.We do not foresee an immediate solution to this yet as the animation must still be played in the background. NOTE: The scope reticle still remains attached the physical scope model projection, which can be chaotic and completely leave the screen with the cycling animation.Can now freely scope in while in between bolting animations.

Will be added into VIP servers permanently.Seven new fun maps (limited time only!).Deagle family can now use iron sight attachments.Fixed PSO-1M2 Scope optic on Dragunov SVDS.